Saturday, May 14, 2011

NEW: 85,000$ 3D TV

Talk about crazy, a 85,000$ 3D TV set all in all it ends up costing 1,000$ per square inch. Now the real question is why would anyone in their right mind come up with a TV with such a high price range? What kind of market is there for such a high-end product, besides your not so common millionar home-movie theater enthusiasts.


  1. Where do you even buy one of those? I doubt Wal-Mart will carry them.

  2. if you want to buy one of them your going to have to call in there tech team and they will tell you if your even eligible! as for Wal-Mart they will have ones like these in like the year 2020.

  3. in my opinion, 3d is more of a gimmick than anything else really. all it succedds in really doing is lowering the picture quality, requiring those stupid glasses, and making tv's bulkier (and when they were trending towards really thin too)

  4. @chase lets just hope technology keeps on moving and soon well have half-decent 3D TV's at affordable precises.
